We all have our handbag favorites - Chanel, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Celine, Prada and what not. I thought today I should share the newest favorite of mine called Liebeskind with you. It’s a German design house, probably new and unfamiliar to non-Europeans. I say this because I have never seen a Youtuber 'haulin' one or a blogger talk about them. Don't quote me, I could still be wrong on that.....Continuing my trend of conscious treats, these have been my bags of choice for the past 3 years. Slowly but surely, I´ve grown into a bag snob who will not consciously give her money to just any designer because it popular, makes a “statement” or tacky totes with this fat-shamer designer's name sprawled x100 over is the coolest thing right now. Also, just like your clothes your bags should flatter your silhouette, not just be appeal to the eye.
Exhibit 1
Let´s christen this girl "Twitterpated". She is three years old and for some reason I don´t seem to recall what the model name is. Probably can´t be brought home anymore too, if u were to like her (((((: