Hey lovers...... Yeah, it's been a minute. Well, you guys I'm back....and like that she blogged happily ever after. While getting myself ready this morning, I glanced on this heart mirrored trinket that I have had forever, and it occurred to me that this was the perfect day to piece my feelings together and let you know that I am doing okay great. So we have a mean tropical storm - Nanauk - brewing on the horizon, peeps are busy stocking up on supplies & safety and, yours truly is dropping a note. Go me! Actually, we went on our grocery adventure yesterday and it looked like humanity with her spilling shopping carts was running a race against time. To be honest, I am a wee anxious to see how nurture holds up against nature, come tomorrow when Nanauk lashes against our doors. This little heart to heart is me being a renegade to the tempests both inside and outside of me.